Saturday, 16 February 2008


Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of activity... I've got photos I've been trying to load for the last few days but my wireless internet keeps dropping out in my room, I'll call them on Tuesday! I've been pretty busy getting stuck into this 9-5 stuff! Actually its more like 8.30 till 6.30-7! I’ve got nobody to come home to or anything to do so there is no point rushing home!

Im heading for a day trip to New York tomorrow! I was planning an overnight but because Monday is Presidents Day and a public holiday, but I've left it to late to book somewhere to stay. Check back Wednesday next week (It'll only be Tuesday here) and i'll have all the photos up!


1 comment:

Gaz (Brad) said...

Hey Big Boy, i've been checking out the site over the last few weeks.just didn't get around to signing up to send something back your way.
good to see your getting out and doing something!! The full time job is prob killing you!I would just like to say from the general working public,Welcome!!! a few years later then most but you made it!!!
party on!!